Friday, August 6, 2021


Improve your Public speaking and Leadership capabilities – Join Toastmasters


You may have heard the word “Toastmasters”, an international club where everyone are giving speeches….

What is done in Toastmasters?

It is simply a club where you can improve your public speaking skills and leadership skills.

But is it???

Read further and you would know everything.

This is what the Toastmasters official web site says.

Do you want to practice public speaking, improve your communication and build leadership skills? With Toastmasters, you can break barriers, not your budget. 

What is Toastmasters International (Club)?

It is an international worldwide network of clubs, where Toastmasters International is an educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills.
At the moment, they say that they have over 364,000 members in 16,200 clubs in 145 countries.
Toastmasters International was started in 1924.

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